Scotland trips
Experience Scotland live
Hiking in the stunning Highlands of Scotland.

Whether as a hiker on lonely, winding paths through wildly romantic, wooded glens (valleys) with their roaring rivers,
which then flow into extensive lochs (lakes) with their small islands, or with bicycle, car and mobile home over narrow roads and mountain passes, along a constantly changing natural landscape.
Past picturesque waterfalls and old bridges that connect otherwise rough terrain.
Walk old beaten Celtic paths, to old oak groves with their cairns and old Pictish places from the Scots before Scotland got its name.
With a view of grandiose cathedrals, small chapels along the way, historic castles and palaces of the clan chiefs and dukes,
with their interesting stories about power struggles and conquests.
At every turn you can experience ancient Scottish history.
We help you to experience this beautiful country in all its diversity.
A Scotland outside of the usual tourist routes.
An ancient Celtic and romantic Scotland full of magic and mysticism.
We plan your individual Scotland tour together with you.
And if you want, we can accompany you on your tour,
whether with you alone or in a small group.
Whether by car, mobile home, bicycle or even on foot.
For thirty years I have hiked through this wonderful country at any time of the year. The Highlands have become my "home".